family of grave robbers

Angry spirits of the dead

It was a moonlit night in the Appalachian Mountains, and a cold wind howled through the trees. A dim light light glowed from a flickering lantern held by the boss of a family of grave robbers as they made their way through the cemetery.

The eldest member of the family, known only as Pa, led the way with a shovel in hand. His sons and daughters followed closely behind, all wearing black clothing and black hats to conceal their identities.

They had been at this for years, raiding graves for valuables and selling them on the black market. But tonight, something felt different. There was a sense of unease that permeated the air.

As they dug up the first grave, Pa noticed that the soil seemed harder than usual. He shrugged it off and continued digging, eventually breaking through the coffin and revealing the corpse inside.

But as Pa reached out to take the jewelry from around the corpse’s neck, he felt a cold hand grab his own. He tried to pull away, but the grip was too strong.

Suddenly, the corpse’s eyes snapped open, revealing two glowing orbs that seemed to burn with a fierce intensity. It sat up, pulling Pa down with it and causing him to let out a blood-curdling scream.

The other members of the family tried to help, but they were frozen with fear as they watched the corpse drag Pa down into the earth.

From that night on, the family of grave robbers was never seen again. Some say they were cursed by the angry spirits of the dead they had disturbed, while others believe they met a more gruesome fate at the hands of the vengeful undead. Either way, the cemetery remained undisturbed for years to come, as if warning others to stay away from the resting places of the dead.

Mark Mayo
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